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Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary

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    Pig's eye view of the world.
Tucker: "Git yer butt outta my face..."
The whole gang gathered 'round for a treat. "Somebody" hasn't learned to sit yet
(she's standing up on Daddy-Jim's leg). Love 'em...!!!
Mimi and Nina enjoying a few of the Christmas cards they've received from family, friends and fans...! They'd like to wish everyone lots of blessings this holiday season, and all the very best for the New Year. Oh... and they wanted to add one other thing... EAT MORE VEGETABLES!
So typical... you buy them a special gift,
but they'd rather play with the box.
Ahh... Baking in the sun outside the Pig Mahal
Just once in your life... everyone should have
a pig fall asleep on their shoulder.
Mimi: "What's on TV...?"
Nina: "Be quiet! I'm trying to sleep."
Mimi and Nina enjoying a few of the Christmas cards they've received from family, friends and fans...! They'd like to wish everyone lots of blessings this holiday season, and all the very best for the New Year. Oh... and they wanted to add one other thing... EAT MORE VEGETABLES!

Noms, noms, noms, noms...
Mel 'n Mimi hangin' out in the barn.
The pig whisperer
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Jim: "Hooz Daddy's pretty gurl? Mimi iz. She's the prettiest gurl in the world, yesh she iz..."
Jim, Louie and the girls resting in the shade of the grape arbor after hours of fence work at their new home in Georgia.
Nina at her new Pig Mahal in Georgia